Games-Amazone /
Credits by :
[-] Nopan Ali
[-] Vjs Rahmat
Fiture + Hotkey :
[-] Anti Skill / INSERT
[-] No delay Hit / INSERT
[-] Cadet Faction ( war+leader ) /F1
[-] Ultimated Hit /F1
[-] Nohit+Noreload /F2
[-] Damage Up / INSERT
[-] Pukulan Super :D /F2
[-] Color/warna /F3
Thx To :
[-] Allah ♥
[-] My father and my mother ♥
[-] Semua teman saya terutama Pacar saya dan teman saya ♥
Tutor :
[-] Extrack Cheat ke dekstop
[-] Buka LS + buka cheat
[-] Saat loading HS ( di pojok kanan bawah ) tekan hotkey
[-] Close cheat !
cit nya Smpai kpan work
BalasHapuscheat nya kok Malam bug trap